Recommended Drive, Quick Guide for Common Transistors used in today's amps. My personal input12/3/2023 HG2879- Recommended voltage 14.5v, Recommended Peak input power per two transistors should be between 50 and 65 watts PEAK/PEP or swing from your radio. Deadkey from your radio should be between 1 and 3 watts for a Two transistor amp, 3-6 watts for a four transistor amp and so forth. You can expect 375-450 watts peak output on a two transistor amp.
HG2879C- This is the higher output design of the HG2879. These are not that similar to the standard HG2879 outside of name and being a high drive component. Voltage can be between 15v and 16.5v. Some will run even more in competition type scenarios. Recommended peak input per two transistors is 80-125 watts peak and 3-5 watts dead key or carrier input. Also note, these recommendations can be higher or lower depending on applied voltage. More voltage= less drive. You can expect 550-650 watts peak output on a two transistor amp with max drive. HG454- This is a medium drive transistor, max voltage 15v. Recommended drive is 35 watts peak, 1-3 watts carrier per two transistors in an amp. You can expect around 275-300 watts of peak output on a two transistor amp. HG2290/HG1446- I have grouped these two together because their characteristics are similar. Recommended voltage max 15v. The 2290 will typically do a little more power and draw a little more current. These are both lower drive transistors. I recommend 25-35 watts of peak input or swing into a two transistor amp, and a deadkey or carrier input of 1-2.5 watts. You can expect 200-300 watts peak output power on a two transistor amp that uses these transistors. The are very popular to use in driver sections of low drive amps that utilize the HG2879 or HG2879C in the final transistor section.
So, recently I uploaded a video to the youtube channel, demonstrating the new "UPGRADE" 8 gauge power cords that I have started selling. The video speaks for itself on the difference made, but don't take my word for it, or the video, here is a testimony posted on the youtube channel from a subscriber/customer: @duckodb_43893 minutes ago
"My radio and the new cord showed up today and I can attest to the numbers in this video. With stock size cord run all the way to the battery just keying up made the meter fall .5-.6 volts, with 4 gauge cord run inside the truck and the stock cord bolted to it with crimp on battery cable ends it was dropping .3, now with the new 8 gauge cord bolted to the 4 gauge it drops .1 so almost none at all. It drops from .1-.2 when I actually talk into it where it was at least 1 full volt. This is all on am. Anyway the numbers shown in this video are legit and I would recommend anybody with a 655/955 upgrading to this cord. Rooster you can send me another one when I send you my other 955 for the all the way mods. Of course now you know I’ve got this other new toy to play with but I’ll still get around to it soon lol." 4-29-23, Good morning, and I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to start posting information on this blog from time to time. Things I post here may range from answers to questions I get via text or email, discussion about radio basics, announcements of upcoming items and/or cb breaks, or just general chit chat. As always, thankyou to everyone for visiting the site and continuing to do business with me.- Rooster